Its so excited after I COD with him and straight go home to test on it....OMG...the driver side mechanism is working but the other side that I wanted is not working at all !!!
So that i just keep all those thing in my storeroom just in case i need it in the future...since its cheap (I asked before just the halfcut condition mechanism cost RM80 man...)
January 2010, I take out the mechanism and disassembled it and see whas wrong inside...i just saw a relay inside and nothin i suspecting its the relay spoiled.
I ask my friend Allngap whether he know what is the thing or not because hes pro in doing LED stuff. He told me that thing is the relay, and he able to help me up to solder the thing if i able to bought that relay.
So i just go the shop that sell all kind of electrical stuffs (located in the road beside Hong Leong Bank in Jalan Burmah). I show them the sample and they take for me....cost RM2.50 each only !!! so fk cheap man...
Pass the thing to Allngap and he take less than 3days to settled it for me...without any charges, I have to said thanks to him again and much appreciated for his kindness to solve the problem that make me headache for such a long time lolz. is what happen today after Allngap passed the headlamp mechanism for me.
I straight put on it after i reached home, oh man...its running damn chill man ~ hehe
At 1st i very excited because the 'eyes' is working so chilling now...who knows...problems coming 1 by 1 from now on...all my signal lights is not functioning !!!
I know that its because of the fuse problem because this same problem occur last week only.
Damn man...I forget that the fuse box cover is writing in Japanese word zzz...I still remember last week the mech told me its the 10A fuse burnt i look for the 10A fuse (red in colour)
oh man...all the red fuse is working fine...headache lar
Luckily this time our friend Yuki Miyasaka is online and available there ~ ha ha ha...kacau him xD
Thanks man...he translated all the Jap word on the fuse box cover, in case i need it in the future =)
From there i found the fuse for signal lights, errr...the mech changed to 15A fuse for me, different colour (blue), no wonder i cant found it lar !
Its 12am now...where can I buy fuse leh...oh ya, curi from my sis's car 1st since every fuse box got spare fuse =รพ
I plug in the 10A fuse into the signal lights fuse straight burnt ! I think 10A unable to support that...somemore I dont have anymore extra 10A or 15A fuse, but I got alot 30A fuse, bought alot lasttime when I'm into I.C.E.
straight plug in the man its working fine xD
Now the next problem occur is the front signal light bulb burnt = =" Replaced it and ok...time to bath and have rest =D So I just locked my car with remote control.
After I bath, OMG I cant open my car door with remote control = ="
Shit man...another problem again !
Tried to replace battery for the remote but still the same. The key is not functioning also...the only way I can go in the car is climb in from the rear booth. Oh I'm gonna drive a car that the door cant be open ?
After long time of thinking and looking around underneath the dashboard, I think it should be the fuse problem since the previous problem is all because of fuse burnt.
But from the fuse box cover translation that Yuki gave me got no such thing as the fuse for car alarm system. So I'm trying to find out the alarm system module....aha ~ gotcha ! I spotted a
blue colour fuse ~ Its located near the alarm module that hiding underneath the dashboard.
After replaced it, everything is back to normal again ~ thanks god...been praying all the time and hope that no more problem again after I fixed the current
Total 3 fuse burnt, 1 bulb and 1 relay
Sweat alot....bath again = ="
Realized that my hand is bleeding, should be scratched it during I doing the fuse thingy. But worth it lar because I can go out with 'her' everyday since I'm in holiday for Chinese New Year =D Somehow add some red red wound on hand...ONG AR !!! good for chinese people lolz
Thanks for reading for such long story lolz...Happy CNY to everyone ~ =D