Monday 22 Dec, early morning today i received a call from my area post office said that i got 2 parcels there and ask me to go collect myself. At 1st i planned to sleep awhile more and go collect in the afternoon, but i cant fall asleep and my mind is keep thinkin of my kits !!!
I straight wake up tidy up myself and head to the post office to collect my parcels immediately.
WTF...i saw my parcel got abit dented on the bottom kit's box sure got dent again.
Are the forwarding people stupid ? they cant read the 'FRAGILE, Do Not Throw, Handle with Care' on the box ? haih...sad case...

Good packaging...but ended up my kit also dented = ="
imagine how gentle is the shipping workers
Jeng Jeng Jeng Jeng ~ Guess what is the 1st box ???

Its Gouf Flight !!!

1st Shipment :
1/144 HG Gouf Flight Type
1/550 HG Mechanics Val-Walo
1/550 HG Mechanics Neue Ziel
2nd Shipment...1/100 MG Char's Z'gok (Gunpla 30th Anniversary)

Thicker box...

With extra clear parts included @ same price !
Thats all for now ! My bank is seriously injured and waiting to recover...still got alot kits to order.
Example : 1/100 MG Z'gok w/First Gundam Campaign (decided to order soon)
1/100 MG Acguy w/clear parts (a must get)
1/100 MG Char's Gelgoog 2.0 w/clear parts (depends on budget)
1/100 MG Gouf 2.0 w/clear parts (depends on budget)